Genius? Woman pretends to be PREGNANT so she can smuggle cinema snacks into a movie screening (Details, pics)

Cinema snacks are extortionately expensive, which is why many try to find ways of smuggling in their own snacks.

But while most only manage to sneak in just a few sweets in their bags, one woman has found an ingenious way of bringing in a huge bowl of treats without anyone knowing.

The mystery woman, whose hack has now gone viral, pretends to be pregnant by hiding an enormous polystyrene bowl under her sweatshirt.

The bowl can be filled with your choice of cinema treats, be it popcorn, crisps or chocolate.

As well as holding your treats, it also acts as a bowl to eat them out of during the film.

The woman's life-changing hack was tweeted about by Angela Brisk, but it is not thought she is the cinema snack smuggler in the photo.

More than 41,000 people have now liked the tweet and still counting.

One called it an 'instant popcorn bowl'.

Another said that we're all about to see a lot more 'pregnant' men in the cinema - though they could just pretend they have a giant beer belly instead if they don't have one already.

However a few Twitter users said that the hack was too 'extra' - a millennial term for 'excessive' - as you can easily hide cinema snacks in bags and purses.

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