Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton lashes out saying the former president daughter, Malia Obama should be given her 'privacy' after the 19-year-old was spotted kissing a Harvard classmate (Details, pics)

Ivanka Trump has called for President Barack Obama's eldest daughter Malia to be given 'privacy' after the Harvard student was pictured kissing a classmate in public.

The president's daughter, who regularly shares photos on social media of her own young children, tweeted Friday: 'Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers. She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits.

'It comes after Malia was caught making out with fellow Crimson fan Rory Farquharson, 19, at a tailgate at the annual Harvard-Yale game last Saturday.

The former first daughter was captured on camera reaching up and putting her arms around Farquharson before going in for a kiss.

The passionate clinch was filmed in a public place before Yale beat Harvard 24-3 and despite Ivanka referring to Malia as 'school age' she is 19.Farquharson, former head boy at the UK's £32,000-a-year ($42,600) prestigious Rugby School, has links to the royals as his second cousin was the Queen's Assistant Master of the Household at Buckingham Palace.

The footage also showed Malia smoking a cigarette during the tailgate - a sign that she may be picking up her dad's old tobacco habit.

She has previously been seen smoking what appeared to be a joint at Lollapalooza in 2016.Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton, the scion of former President Bill Clinton and retired Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also took to Twitter Friday and lashed out at the media for its coverage of Malia blasting it as 'click bait'.'

Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait. Be better,' Clinton tweeted.

In August she berated the Daily Caller for an opinion piece it published criticizing the way President Trump's youngest son Barron Trump dressed. Chelsea has previously leapt to the defense of other first children.

She followed it up with: 'Dear Matty-Barron is A KID. No child should be talked about in the below manner-in real life or online. And for an adult to do so? For shame.'

'It's high time the media & everyone leave Barron Trump alone & let him have the private childhood he deserves,' Clinton tweeted.

First Lady Melania then thanked Chelsea for defending her 11-year-old son.

'Thank you @ChelseaClinton - so important to support all of our children in being themselves! #StopChildhoodBullying,' the first lady tweeted.

A year ago, Barack Obama said that Malia and his younger daughter Sasha had already started dating and that he was 'pretty relaxed' about it since they have Secret Service protection.

Malia is a first-year student at Harvard University.Malia took a gap year after graduating high school in 2016, in what the Obamas said was an effort to start college without the distraction of her father in the White House.

'They've had Secret Service. There's only so much these guys can do,' Barack joked.

In an open letter to his younger self, written as though he were 53, which appeared in his school magazine, he wrote: 'To tell the truth you're a lanky, over-confident public school boy, desperately trying to prove to your friends how much of a 'lad' you are and you have failed miserably.

Farquharson, an investment banker's son, has previously described himself as an 'over-confident public school boy' with an eye for the opposite sex.

In an open letter to his younger self, written as though he were 53, which appeared in his school magazine, he wrote: 'To tell the truth you're a lanky, over-confident public school boy, desperately trying to prove to your friends how much of a 'lad' you are and you have failed miserably.

'And for goodness' sake get a haircut. Despite what you think, your floppy mop isn't attracting the girls.'

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