LeBron James and the entire Cavs team go home through the train station in New York...but one clueless commuter didn't recognize them (Details, pics)

LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers had a humbling experience on Monday, when they took the New York City subway and then had a run-in with an annoyed commuter who didn't recognize them.

In a video uploaded to Uninterrupted, LeBron says the team decided to take the subway back to their hotel when they learned it would be much faster than driving the team bus through New York City traffic.

The Cavs had a shootaround Monday morning at Madison Square Garden, in preparation for the night's game against the Knicks.

While waiting for their downtown train to come, LeBron tells the cameras that it's only the second time he's ever ridden on a Subway, the first time being in Philadelphia. In another clip posted to the NBA's Twitter, the team is seen descending the steps into the subway at Penn Station.

Once on the train, LeBron takes out his own phone and starts recording the rare experience.' On our way back from shootaround, so we decided to take a different transportation this time. Where we at Kyle?' LeBron asks his teammate Kyle Korver, sitting to his left.'

We had two options - a 45-minute bus ride or a six-minute train ride,' Korver responds.'

So we decided to hop on the train with the squad,' LeBron says, panning his camera to see the rest of the team standing and holding onto overhead poles as the train moves.

LeBron then flips the camera so it's directed back at his face, and he notions to a man sitting to his right.

The man then shoots LeBron an angry look, puts his hand in front of the camera and says 'Can you not?!' before getting up to leave.'

I don't know this dude right here, he trippin'" LeBron says. LeBron starts laughing as he moves over to take the man's spot.'

Now we got more room now!' LeBron says.

Before the video ends, a woman near the door can be seen waving at LeBron's camera, clearly recognizing the basketball great.

DailyMail says they identified the man sitting next to LeBron James as real estate agent and stand-up comedian James Angelo.

Angelo told DailyMail that he was genuinely clueless about who he was sitting to. 'I had no clue,' he said. 'I'm the only kind of New Yorker that when 15 giant trees get on the train I'm like, "Yeah, whatever". I'm checking my email and YouTube. I'm a gay guy and I have no interest in sports.'

Angelo, 41, was already on the train, heading to a meeting with his agent, when the team got on the train. 'You know when, like, 10 groups of 10-year-olds get on the train and you're like, oh my god, are you f****** kidding me? But they were like six feet higher.'

The sight of the gaggle of giants getting onto the train gave him a feeling familiar to many New Yorkers. Angelo had his headphones in and was looking at his phone so he didn't pay them too much attention, until they started invading his personal space.

'They really squished me when they got on opposite sides of me. They were being goofballs. I just thought they were a college basketball team,' he said.'

Three times they almost elbowed me in the head, so I was like, "Excuse me? Can you please watch your elbow?"' Angelo recalled.

The moment caught on camera happened just as they were coming into Union Square station, Angelo's stop.

'I'm a stand up comic so a lot of the straight comics were like, dude, is this you? That's probably the most famous athlete out there,' he says. It didn't take Angelo long to figure out that he had run into a celebrity, whether he realized it or not. Like a true comedian, he has a good sense of humor about the whole incident.

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