Woman finds couple having sex in her driveway (Details, pics)

A Journalist from Hull Faye Preston reveals that she went outside for a cigarette when she spotted the couple under blankets on her drive.

She was considering whether to offer them a cup of tea to keep them warm or call the police. She left them where they were for the night. But, she continued: "My sympathy soon ended when I was leaving for work early in the morning to find them at it."They were having actual sex on my driveway. Surrounded by beer cans, the movement going on under the cover was unmistakable."She contacted the police who eventually turned up a day or so later and moved them on.

Faye wrote: "I have great sympathy for people who have nowhere to go, but I didn’t want this to become the norm."For it to become normal for me to step, apologetically, over two people sleeping rough, in my driveway, every day.

"I can just imagine it: 'Sorry, excuse me, don’t want to wake you but I need to leave for work and you might get squished if you carry on doing it there.’

Despite finding the homeless couple and pointing out the issues she has on her street, she says that she still loves where she lives.

"Where else can you go for a posh meal, followed by cocktails in a swanky bar and finish the night stepping over some frisky homeless people fornicating on your driveway? It literally has it all," she said.

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