Dallas High school asks for 50 volunteers for the new breakfast with Dads' program... Over 600 men showed up (Details, pics)

This is actually the type of news we love to hear and it is because it is inspiring.

A middle school in South Dallas shared on their Facebook page that they needed 50-100 male mentors for their first ever breakfast outing. There were fears that there wouldn't be enough dads for the students, but guess what?  The result was overwhelming.

According to Dallas news, Nearly 600 men arrived in Billy Earl Dade middle school in South Dallas to volunteer. The men were said to be from diverse backgrounds and occupations but they all show up for the same purpose. For the mentorship of the young students and positive male role models for young boys from age 11-13yrs.

The school principal, Tracie Washington express her gratitude because some fathers couldn't make it while some students have no father to invite.

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