Retired American who has visited 852 places in 193 countries named as world's most travelled man (Details, pics)

He has travelled to 852 places across the globe including all 193 United Nations territories and even North Korea.

And after reaching Conway Reef off the coast of Fiji, US man Don Parrish has been named as the world's most-travelled man. To get to the remote spot, which is 280 miles from the main islands, Mr Parrish chartered a boat along with another traveller.

And it certainly wasn't the first time he had hired his own boat, as he has visited 60 islands by ship as 'that is the only way to get there'.

His incredible journey to Conway Reef is one of hundreds, which has seen him visit all 26 cantons in Switzerland, all 16 states in Germany and all 85 political subdivisions in Russia over 13 visits.

His trip to North Korea even made front page news as he was one of the first US tourists in the country for a number of years.

The 73-year-old, who lives just outside Chicago, started travelling after spending the summer of 1965 in Germany working in a metal factory. It was his first time abroad bar a day trip to Mexico. Making it as number one requires extreme dedication and as Mr Parrish himself acknowledges 'some suffering'.

Now he joins other extreme travellers in reaching parts of the world most of us can only dream of. He has also been to Easter Island, Somalia, Curacao, Madagascar and even the narrowest part of the Khyber Pass between Pakistan and Afghanistan. And he stood on the Arctic Circle in Finland.

Now retired, he worked hard in telecommunications and saved his money to be able to take trips around the globe. Most of the places left on Don's list to visit are remote islands - including the Bounty Islands, the Scott Islands and Paracel Islands - which are difficult to reach. He is also yet to reach Guantanamo Bay.

Mr Parrish's extreme travel means that he is one of only 23 people who have completed the Travelers' Century Club, visiting the 325 countries or territories on its list.

And Mr Parrish - who has never married and has no children - said: 'I spent the summer of 1965 in Germany working as an unskilled laborer in a metal factory. I lived with a family.

He is also currently joint top of the Most Travelled People club - 'a club for travelers who aspire to go "everywhere"'.'What made this a transformative experience is that I refused to speak a word of English.

'It is a good way to get over the idea that the world revolves around yourself.

'As part of that summer I took a vacation for about eight or nine days with a German group into France on a camping trip.

'My first trip around the world was in 1971. I still have a copy of my air ticket. This was a very expensive trip for me at the time - the cost of a new car.

'Easter Island is one of the must visit places for a serious traveller. I was there about six years ago and there are so many restrictions. I was so lucky to see it in 1994 too.

'But to see all of these wonders of the world, cultures, cities in a span of just six weeks was another transformative experience.

'In 1976, I rode an ostrich in South Africa and did a flying dismount which got me the only standing ovation of my life. I was at the South Pole on its 100th anniversary.

'I have been outside the US for about 11 years - about 250 trips. I have also traveled for a year or so in the US while I visited all 50 states.

'I like to see the real place where things happened and I like making connections.

'I travel by myself, with one person, with a few people, small group, large group, with driver, with driver and guide.

Not every trip is smooth sailing and Mr Parrish says travelling at night in remote places is one of the most dangerous parts of the journey's he makes. 'I live frugally - no smoking, no coffee, old cars and I have spent my life savings.

'He added: 'In 2010 I visited Bossaso, Puntland, Somalia. My travel agent refused to help me because he thought I would get kidnapped.

'So I requested security from the local guy I used to plan this trip. The word security got translated into four armed guards who stayed in their own room at the hotel and even followed me from my room to the computer room when I did email at 11pm at night.

'I visited North Korea with four others and since we were the first American tourists in North Korea for two or three years, the Los Angeles Times had a front page story on the five of us.

'To be in the tribal areas of Pakistan required us to have a rifleman for our protection.

'It took us nine days to get from Cape Town to Marion on a small sailing vessel with a four man crew and four passengers.

'There was no shower on the ship. We experienced stormy seas, people were sea sick. There were no chairs to sit on, only benches.

'That was the one time that I thought I might not make it mentally.

'While Mr Parrish acknowledges there have been dangerous times and some hair-raising moments there have been a whole host of unique moments along the way too.

He said: 'In 2007, I was in Ghana with my German guide, Herbert Goebels, and we attended the court of the Ashanti king.'

'I also met the beautiful Alexandra Rosenfeld, Miss Europe of 2006, while on my travels in Congo.

'But despite being well-travelled when asked where his favourite place in the world is, Mr Parrish - who said he has no plans to retire from travelling - replied: 'My favourite place is the one I have been to most. It's called home.

'Mr Parrish's impressive travels mirror that of Canadian Mike Spencer Bown, who spent 23 years travelling the globe and visiting 195 countries.

His marathon odyssey took him from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and every nation in between.

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